Hi everyone i am a cellphone technician 
in my observation there is a lot of
android phones and tablets now.
so i decide to make this blog for android tablets to help every of you 
to repair the problems of your tablets.

in my experience a common problems of android tablets are
2.imei /serial corrupted
3. to many pattern atemp . this problem is gonna make you hard to solve if you didn't know how..:)
To make this easy for you
i'll share my tools and TUT on how to use it.
all you have to is to believe your self that you can make it.:)

i love repairing phones i have a lot of tools here
but for now lets start for android tablets first.
this tools is free i just want to help and share my knowledge.

Thank you for reading my short story i want to share some tricks for guyz if you love my first post..:)


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